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South Carolina Statewide Call

Ranked Choice Voting is a crucial electoral change in order for 3rd parties to be competitive and for voters to have more voice in how our state is governed. On our statewide call Tuesday evening at 8pm, you'll meet Frank Knapp, CEO of the SC Small Business Chamber of Commerce. Frank has brought exciting new energy, ideas and political muscle to our RCV/IRV Coalition and will be with us for a complete run-down on what to expect as we prepare for the '24 legislative session, what you can do to help and what the recent ruling in favor of the SC House Freedom Caucus means to our democratic elections.

Meeting link: 

June 27, 2023 at 8:00pm - 9pm
Online / Virtual
Columbia, SC
United States
Google map and directions
Clint Eisenhauer ·
James Andreen Robin Haselden Jeremy Moore chuck newton Kayla Sullivan Jeffrey Hodges Bob Hooper
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